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Why Do My Hands Tingle When I Wear Gloves? – 5 Reasons

Fact checked by A. Thompson

why do my hands tingle when i wear gloves

Gloves are our protective barrier that prevents harmful elements, chemicals, and dirt from hurting or irritating our skin. But, it is not surprising that the glove itself sometimes causes unpleasant sensations and even hazards to us. The reasons are not plentiful, but we should be aware of them.

So, for anyone asking, ‘why do my hands tingle when I wear gloves?’ find out the answers and more information here.

Reasons You Find Your Hands Tingling When Wearing Gloves

We try to include all the possibilities that you might overlook or have been unaware of before. So, read on and try to find out the real problem to prevent further injury to your hands.

1. The gloves might be too tight.


Whenever my hands feel weird when I wear gloves, I always assume something is wrong with the sizing. Therefore, I will check if my gloves are too tight.

The tingling feeling can come from minor vascular compromise due to the too-tight hold of your gloves. A stiff pair that leaves little room for movements also leads to nerve compression. Therefore, we will feel numb and uncomfortable when wearing a too-tight pair for an extended period.

We can do simple fitting tests like making a fist, checking the space left between the tip of our fingers and the glove fabric, etc.

The difference in materials also results in the tightness or stiffness of gloves. That means we might need some time to break the gloves in. In this case, wearers can find ways to stretch the gloves a bit to achieve a comfortable fit.

If the issue is not redeemable with the stretching method, it is important you purchase a new pair that fits your hands well. Consult the seller, and not just their glove size chart, when you seek gloves that offer a good fit and freedom of movement.

2. You probably have an allergic reaction to the glove material.


The most common skin irritation is an allergy to latex gloves. The symptoms you can notice are dryness, irritation, and an itchy feeling on your skin if it’s just a mild reaction.

Worse than that, prolonged exposure to latex might lead to symptoms of itchy eyes, scratchy throat, and even difficulty breathing. Seek help right away if you feel irritated to prevent severe symptoms from occurring. And if they do, please seek medical help.

However, there is no cure for such an allergy, meaning you should avoid wearing latex gloves altogether. Find suitable gloves made of nitrile, neoprene, or vinyl, which have a much lower chance of triggering your allergies.

3. The gloves might not be breathable enough.

Skin irritation or tingling feeling can also be a sign that your hands are not ‘breathing well’. It can be the combination of hot weather, the glove material, and glove sizing. When your hand sweats due to the lack of ventilation, your skin might react badly, making you feel extra uncomfortable.

To avoid this situation, make sure you find a ventilated and moisture-wicking glove when handling tasks for hours in hot weather.

4. You might currently wear compression gloves to treat carpal tunnel syndrome.


This syndrome’s symptoms are feeling weak, numb, and tingling in our hands and arms. And many seek treatment by wearing compression gloves to continue working. But, such a so-called cure might make the issue worse.

5. You often handle vibrating machinery with the wrong kind of gloves.


If you operate huge machinery that vibrates greatly, it is critical to wear a pair of vibration-dampening work gloves. In this task, if you opt for regular protective gloves, no matter how thick they are, your hands can still feel numbness or tingling after a while.

Therefore, make sure to assess all the hazards you have to deal with at work, then purchase a suitable pair that caters to those requirements.


Why do my hands tingle when I wear gloves? There are several explanations for such an issue. But before you ask for medical advice or find a glove replacement, make sure you know the reason for the uncomfortable feeling. Therefore, always check for glove tightness, material stiffness, and allergy reactions.

It can be dangerous if we leave the issue unattended and end up hurting our hands in the long run.

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